Is there a planned programme of activities for Scouts?

Yes. Behind the fun of Scouting, there is an educational programme. The main programme areas are: Outdoor and Adventure; Global; Community; Fit for Life; Creative; and Beliefs and Attitudes. Group leaders are trained to deliver this programme.

What do Scouts wear and where can I buy it?

Scouts wear a uniform of blue trousers and a coloured sweatshirt, shirt or polo shirt (which varies depending on the age range). All Scouts (adults and young people) wear a coloured scarf or necker, the colour of which varies depending…

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How much does it cost to send my child to Scouts?

This will vary depending on your Group but it is likely to be between £50 and £100 per year which is collected weekly, monthly, termly or annually depending on local arrangements. This fee usually covers the cost of the hire…

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My local Group has a waiting list, why is this?

We have over 30,000 young people on waiting lists around the country due to a shortage of adults. If there is a waiting list for the Group your child hopes to attend you could think about joining us yourself. We…

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