
This page has been put together to celebrate the centenary of the Chesterfield District Scouts

Below is the entry in the original minutes book for the first meeting of The CHESTERFIELD DISTRICT SCOUTS COUNCIL. Below this you can view the history of scout groups in Chesterfield both past and present.


DATE 9 April 1910

VENUE Market Hall – Chesterfield

TIME 3.00pm

Instituting Meeting held in Market Hall Chesterfield.

His Grace the Duke of Devonshire in the Chair.

i Meeting declared open at 3.pm by his Grace the Duke of Devonshire.

ii H Rogerson Esq then read letters of regret from the following gentlemen who were unable to be present

Earl Kerry MP. J Hestance Esq MP. Col. Barker-Bowden JP. Rev G H Molineaux.

Drs Leringstone & Shea and

MessersJ H Moore, A Seifried, H H Turner, A S H Barnes, Geo Clark, R P Leach, W G Turball JP, A A Milner JP, S Berrisford, L Lambert, G A Eastwood, J S Ford, A Hardy, W J Wilkonson, J W Fawcett, D C Constable and Chambers Dicthouse.

iii The Duke of Devonshire then addressed the meeting appealing to those present to support this great national movement of B P Scouts and asking them to use their influence with their friends also to support it.

He then asked Col De Burgh to explain the principles of the organisation.

Col De Burgh then explained the principles of the B P Scout movement and asked the gentlemen present to form a Local Association and appealed to them to support the movement in this District.

iv Mr E C Barnes moved and the Rev E F Crosse seconded that an Association be formed to be known as the Chesterfield and District B P Scout Association – carried.

v Col Seeley moved and Mr H A Saunders seconded that His Grace the Duke of Devonshire be asked to become the President of the Association.

His Grace accepted.

vi Mr H Rogerson moved and Mr S E Short seconded that Col C H Seeley be chairman – carried

vii Col Seeley moved and Col Jackson seconded that all present form the General Committee – carried

viii Moved by Mr Sanders seconded by Mr J Wright the Mr H Rogerson be Secretary of the Association – carried

ix The following gentlemen were elected Vice Presidents

Mayor Councillor C P Markham & Councillor S E Short Deputy Mayor

Col Jackson E C Barnes Esq

Rev E F Crosse W G Turbull Esq

T Townrow Esq Father Splaine SJ

G A Eastwood Esq Rev Harelock-Thompson

Col Barker-Bowden A Palmer Moorwood Esq

Ald Jas Oakes C S Cockburn Esq


L C Burlack, J E Ormisker, J Ducker,H H Wilford, P Rooks, Dr R Godwin Chase, Major Robinson, Messrs J J Clayton GC, C J Hodson JP, E R Woodhead, R Syke, A W Greaves, G W Denwood, F B Robinson, M P Scase, J J Kelly, E P Swanwick, W H F Hepplewhite, S A Lawson, H Rogerson (Sec), F G Leversly J H Waddington, C C Rayward B G Griffith and W S Udall.

Scoutmasters:- Allibour, Blackhurst, Green, Day, Woodhouse, Archer, Sagt Insp Chapman and the Rev C J Bodhurst

x Votes of thank we passed to His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, Col Seeley and Col De Burgh which were suitably responded to.

Scout troops still in operation
Scout troopDate registered
38th Chesterfield01/02/1964
34th Chesterfield21/05/1953
1st Highfield (Newbold)01/06/2007
18th Chesterfield (Catholic)05/03/1908
1st Holymoorside18/01/1978
1st Tupton28/11/1966
1st Hasland18/12/1987, was originally 33rd Chesterfield registered 29/01/1953
1st Whittington13/10/1977 – Original troop registered
17/06/1918 – Closed 1936, reopened
16/03/1937 – Closed 1967
2nd Brampton (Storrs Road)1943 War time registration so no definite date
3rd Brampton (St Thomas)12/07/1949
1st Calow (St Peters Church)23/03/1933 Was originally registered by G. Perry warranted as Scoutmaster 12/04/1911
3rd Wingerworth21/01/1959
1st North Wingfield15/10/1915 Registered originally under the title North Wingfield Church
Scout no longer in operation
Scout troopDate registeredDate closed
2nd Chesterfield1908c. 1993
8th Chesterfield1908/09 Nicholson was warranted as Assistant Scoutmaster 29/11/1909No other information
9th ChesterfieldNo information on this troop so probarbly closed during WW1
13th Chesterfield (Weseylian)Troop: 10/12/1919
Pack: 23/01/1920
No closure date listed but operating until at least 1933
14th ChestefieldTroop: 13/11/1923
Pack: 18/09/1926
Closed 1962
19th ChesterfieldTroop: 25/03/1925
Pack: 26/03/1925
No closure date listed
20th Chesterfield (St Augustines)15/03/1928No closure date listed
21st Chesterfield22/03/1928Closed 1935
22nd Chesterfield20/03/1929Closed 1973
23rd Chesterfield06/05/1929Closed 1960′s
24th Chesterfield (Christchurch)1943Amalgamated with 27th Chesterfield – 2007 to form 1st Highfield
25th Chesterfield (settlement)22/03/1932No closure date listed
27th Chestefield (St Andrews18/11/1949Amalgamated with 24th Chesterfield – 2007 to form 1st Highfield
1st Whittington MoorTroop: 01/05/1924
Pack: 05/03/1925
No closure date listed
2nd New WhittingtonTroop: 01/03/1926
Pack: 01/07/1926
closed at some point and then re-registered 05/01/1979
Closed 14/07/1988
1st BrimingtonPre 1918No information
2nd Brimington13/10/1930No closure date listed
1st Wingerworth01/05/19331936
2nd Wingerworth08/06/1936No closure date
1st Alt Hucknall (St John Baptist)23/03/19562005/6
1st Barlow22/03/1985Closed 2005
Orpheus Venture Unit12/11/1988Closed 2005
1st Spital05/02/1935 – no closure date – re-registered 03/07/1951 – no closure date – re-registered 02/11/1953Closed 31/03/1957
1st Newbold – Was 36th Chesterfield (Newbold Church)26/04/1954Closed 2005
1st Barrow Hill25/10/1932No closure date listed
1st Brampton03/08/1937No closure date listed
1st Tapton HousePre 1938No information
Chesterfield Grammar School1941?
1st New TuptonPre 1948
“Sitwells Own” (Renishaw)formed 1915At least up to 1924
“Duke of Portlands Own” (Bolsover)Pre 1918At least up to 1948
Grassmoor Works TroopPre 1917
Clowne St JohnsPre 1911At least up to 1920
2nd GrassmoorPre 1920
“Dr Grahams Own Troop”Pre 1919
1st BirdholmePre 1917At least 1945
2nd BirdholmePre 1956
HolmwoodPre 1917
1st BeightonPre 19261939
2nd CresswellPre 1942
3rd Cresswell (Methodist)Pre 1948