As a Hirer of the Hall you must accept all of the following terms and conditions.


  1. “The Hirer” means the person [whether acting as an individual or on behalf of a group or club] using any part of the Hall or its facilities. The hirer must be over 18.
  2. The “Hall” or “Headquarters” is The Scout Headquarters, Marsden Place, Chesterfield. It includes the buildings and all outside spaces and parking area.
  3. The “Booked Price” means the period on any day reserved for the Hirer. No other rights of entry are given or implied by this agreement.
  • The Hirer accepts that the Hall is run by a committee of volunteers as a charity on a limited budget.
  • The Halls primary purpose is to provide a meeting place for Chesterfield District Scouts. No hiring activity will be allowed to conflict or detract from this primary purpose nor will any activity be alllowed that is likely to bring the Hall or Scouts into disrepute.
  • The committee reserves the right to vary the rates for hire, at any time.
  • The committee will gratefully accept any additional donations which will be put towards the upkeep of the Hall.
  • In the event of any breach of the regulations, the Hirer may be required to leave the Hall and forfeit the charge paid, but without prejudice to any claim which the committee may have against the Hirer.
  • The committee reserves the right not to hire the Hall to any individual or group.
  • “Parking area” refers to the area outside the hall but does not guarantee that parking will be available.


The use of the Hall and its facilities is permitted entirely at the Hirers own risk and the committee shall not be liable for any personal injury to any user, or for any conequential loss due to its use or non-availability for use. The committee does not accept responsibility or liability for any damage to or loss of any property or articles placed or left in the Hall, parking area or any part thereof by any of the users.
Hirers must ensure that they are fully insured to cover themselves for any claim arising out of injury to the people using the Hall or damage to the Hall or its contents.


The Hirer shall be responsible for and shall pay to the committee the amount of any damage done during their booking period. This includes any damage to the premesis or the fixtures, fittings, furniture or other contents. Any damage to, or faults with the Hall, whether caused by the Hirer or not, should be reported as soon as possible to the booking secretary.

Booking Period

The Hirer shall not use the Hall for any purpose other than as described on the booking form, and shall not sub-hire.

The Hirer must ensure that the Hall is left as it is found.

  • All equipment must be returned to its appointed place, and chairs and tables stacked safely.
  • Any crockery used should be washed dried and returned to the cupboard.
  • All rubbish should be taken home.
  • All lights should be turned off.
  • All doors and windows should be securely locked.
  • The alarm should be set on leaving and the key dealt with as instructed. This may be using a key safe.

it is the responsibility of the Hirer to ensure that the Hall is booked for sufficient time to allow set up and clearing away after any event. The booked period is th etotal time that the Hirer is occupying the premises. If the Hall is being opened up by an appointed keyholder then the times the key holder will be in attendance will be the begining of the booked period and at the end. Hirers must be ready to leave promptly at the end of the booked period.

In order to respect our neighbours, noise levels must be kept to a minimum and in all cases the Hall must be vacated by midnight.

Health and Safety

Smoking is not allowed in the Hall or land immediately surrounding the building. Under no circumstancfes shall any explosive or flammable substances be brought onto the premesis. Emergency Fire exists shall be kept clear of obstructions at all times.


I apply for use of the facilities detailed above in accordance with the Terms and Conditions. I understand that charges remain payable if inadequate notice of cancellation is given.

I understand that my booking is not confirmed until I have notification from the booking secretary.

I understand that confirmation of any booking is conditional on receipt of this completed form.

I understand that the site does not hold a PRS, PPL or MPLG Licence and I will make my own arrangements to meet current laws should I wish to play music or films.