Last Updated: 19:00 Saturday 16 June 2021
Key Information for Volunteers and Parents
Before reading the information below, please ensure you’re up to date with the guidance available at
Getting back together safely – Information for Leaders
We’re working with youth sector partners and the National Youth Agency government body to make sure that we restart safely. There’s a framework and set of guidance that should be followed when your section gets back together, based on the latest government announcements and current readiness levels.
Update 16/06/2021
Readiness level: Yellow
This means: Section meetings can take place outdoors and indoors. Limited small group residential activities may also take place.
Maximum group size:
- Activities involving young people: no limit on group size but remain as only one section meeting independently of others. Indoor activities will be limited by the size of the location given social distancing remains.
- Scout Network programmed activities (non social): 30 people maximum.
- Adult activities (non-social) with no young people present: Adults may meet in small groups for the purposes of providing the charity’s purpose. Full details in getting adults involved again guidance. Please speak to our DC prior to meeting.
- Residential activities: Nights away activities may take place with a maximum of 6 people within the group (including young people, volunteers and carers). COVID measures such as social distancing and good hygiene remain in place (even overnight), groups must remain independent of others and lateral flow testing must take place immediately prior to departure and every 48-72hrs throughout the trip and on return.
Note: Where small sections may struggle to be viable to operate independently they may join with another section at this time.
Note: The number of adults present should be limited to those who are required to be present to support the activity. It’s important to remember that we’re still in the middle of the pandemic and we all have the duty to make sure we’re following the letter and spirit of the guidance.
Note: Activities (including those away from your usual meeting place) should be planned to minimise risk by limiting travel at all times. Check the guidance on planning activities in terrain zero. Trips should only take place where the outcomes can not be achieved locally and must be in a COVID safe manner.
Following the recent government announcement the information below is provided to assist with planning and will apply from 21st June 2021.
- Residential activities: Nights away activities may take place with a maximum of 30 young people plus leaders and carers, limited to a maximum of 6 people per sleeping space (tent or room) and groups of 6 maximum for groups of over 18s. COVID measures such as social distancing and good hygiene remain in place (even overnight), groups must remain independent of others and lateral flow testing must take place immediately prior to departure and every 48-72hrs throughout the trip and on return. See the guidance for planning COVID-safe nights away in 2021.
Spitewinter Scout Campsite is currently only available for local groups (outdoors only no use of huts). For more information visit the dedicated page on the Spitewinter website.
Scout Shop
Our Scout Shop is open as normal again, Saturdays from 10am – 1pm. For more information visit the Scout Shop page.