There are several different ways to access to the mailbox, and it is difficult to account for every conceivable option / personal preference here.
Therefore, only the most common methods are shown below. If you have more specific requirements, please contact us with more details and we will do our best to assist.
Outlook Web Access (OWA)
The quickest and easiest method to access the mailbox is via Webmail, otherwise known as Outlook Web Access or OWA.
To access OWA:
Log in directly to using your district email address and password.
Microsoft Outlook
Most modern clients now provide a means of setting up the mailbox by simply entering the email and password and the server settings are configured automatically. This should happen with the Office365 account as well
Instructions below are for Microsoft Outlook, as this is the most popular mail client.
However, most other mail clients will have a similar functionality
- In Outlook, Click File
- Click on the Account Settings button, and then click on Account Settings in the drop down menu
- In the Email tab, click on New…
- Type in your Name, Email Address and Password
- Click Next and the settings should be auto-discovered and the account created in your mail client
If you experience issues, let us know what client (and version) you are using, and we will try and provide specific instructions where available.
Mobile Devices
- Go to Settings > Mail > Accounts > Add Account > Exchange
- Type in your email address in the Email field
- Enter your password in the Password field
- If desired, update the Description field to be something more meaningful (e.g. “ChesterfieldScouts”)
- The settings should be auto-detected and you should not be prompted for further information.
If you are, then the most likely reason is there is an error in either the username or password - Select which functions you wish to sync with your device
Settings for Android can vary greatly, depending on the device and version of Android in use.
Therefore, it is not really practical to write specific instructions. However, using the iOS details, you should be able to get the account set up.
If you are struggling, please contact us and we will see what we can do to help.
Microsoft Outlook App
An alternative option is to use the Microsoft Outlook app: which is available for
- iOS (iPhone)
- iOS (iPad)
- Android
- Windows Mobile
Download Microsoft Outlook for iOS or Android
Alternatively, if you prefer, you can set up the standard mail application on your device manually, using the details for Manual Setup in a standard mail client
One Drive
As part of our Office365 subscription, each user will be able to access up to 1Tb of personal storage space
This is intended to be used for files relating to your role in Scouts
To access your OneDrive storage area:
Log on to
Click on the OneDrive icon