The world has changed a lot over the last few years and our movement needs to consider how those changes affect the things we do and the events that we run.
One of the biggest events that Derbyshire Scouts run is the Peak International Camp which is joint event with Girlguiding Derbyshire and along with them they want to consider what the next evolution of Peak Camp will be.
Derbyshire Scouts are looking to put together a small team of volunteers to help map out what the next Peak camp might look like. Specifically, they are looking for the following types of people
- Someone who has taken Scouts or Explorer Scouts to a previous Peak Camp
- Someone who has held a staff role at a previous Peak Camp
- Someone who has attended a previous Peak Camp as either a Scout or Explorer Scout and is currently aged under 25.
- A commissioner
It is anticipated that this group will meet with a mirrored team from Girlguiding no more than 3 times over the next 6 months.
The output will be a series of agreed recommendations to present to the trustees of each organisation which can then be turned into a wider consultation paper with both memberships.
If you would like to take part of this small working group please email Sue Harris – before the 31st March 2022
Please include a brief history of both your Scouting and Peak Experience, your current role and district and why you would like to be part of this team, including what you would bring to the team.