Unit 11
Derbyshire Deer, Interesting information about deer and maybe why we gravitated towards this design as our unit identity…
- Deer are iconic creatures of Derbyshire. We have expanding populations of Red, Roe, Muntjac and Fallow in our county.
- Deer symbolism and meanings include intuition, grace, gentleness, tranquillity, devotion, and good luck.
- A deer herd’s mentality is to make sure that no one is left behind while they are on the move; an essential element of our journey to Korea.
- The deer is one of 10-12 symbols known together in Korea as ‘Ship-jangsaeng’, which are used to represent immortality or long life.
- Korean hanji (traditional paper) containing deer imaginary is a visual reminder to be harmonious, gentle, and mindful of each other, just as the animal is.
Unit 11 badges are available to purchase from Emily at emily.wiggins@derbyshirescouts.org
£3 per badge plus P+P. All funds raised will go towards Unit helping to ensure cost is not a barrier to the young people attending 25WSJ Korea.

Unit 12
Unit 12 are known as the Derbyshire Orideul. This is Korean for Derbyshire Ducks. “Duck” is a local term of friendliness. For Koreans, Mandarin ducks represent peace and wooden ducks are often given as gifts at weddings.
Our Unit chant, Ori, Ori, Ori, (Duck, duck, duck) is boldly positioned on the badge. Scouts will chant this with the reply being Quack, Quack, Quack!
The badge reflects the UK and Korean colours and aspects of our scouting culture.
Unit 12 badges are available to purchase from Josh Bestwick via Josh.bestwick@derbyshirescouts.org at £3 per badge plus P+P. All funds raised will go towards Unit helping to ensure cost is not a barrier to the young people attending 25WSJ Korea.