£30,000 COMPLETED Fundraising for 8 of the The Chesterfield Scouts going to South Korea this year is now complete!!! 🥳Thank you to every single one of you that has supported/ donated throughout this journey.From can collectors, cake bakers, wreath buyers,…
Chesterfield District WSJ25 Journey to Korea
The excellent eight of Chesterfield District, who are part of the 36 Young People selected for Unit 11 Derbyshire Deer, were busy out and about on Sunday 15th January. It was another training day preparing them for the 25 World…
Xmas Tree Collection & Recycling
In aid of Chesterfield & Dronfield District Scouts – World Jamboree Fundraising. Heads up to friends who live in the Chesterfield and Dronfield area. Our next fundraising mission is to recycle your Xmas trees for a minimum £5 donation!We have…
Travel Plans
Ever struggled with planning your own holiday travel How would you feel about being asked to book over 4,300 flights to Korea? Well, that’s the exact duty that Scott from the UK Contingent Management Team has been set He’s written…
Korea insights – Education
We thought families and scouts might like to know a bit more about Korea, so this week we’ve had a look at the Education System. Primary school is optional in South Korea and most parents prefer to keep their children…
Help the Jamboree Units raise free funds
Did you know you can help our Jamboree Units raise funds for FREE every time you shop online. Please remember to use #easyfundraising EVERY time you shop online. Over 7,000 brands will donate to Units 11 and 12 Derbyshire scouts…
WSJ You Shape Award
Drumroll please The UK Contingent are really excited to introduce you to their25th World Scout Jamboree 2023 YouShape Award! It’s a really exciting opportunity for young people to enhance their jamboree journey and also earn a badge along the way. Looking for more…
Jamboree badges
Introducing Unit 11 and Unit 12, the Derbyshire Scouts contingent for the World Scout Jamboree in Korea.
WSJ Fundraising Race Night
The Chestefield WSJ contingent are holding a fundraising race night on 18th June. Get your tickets now for an evening of fun and entertainment. Whilst helping us raise funds.